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The game features three new maps as part of its early access release. With three, narrated, scenic tutorial maps - teaching the basics of movement and combat, game-mechanics and tactics - the players are introduced to the story of a heroic hunter and their mighty quest, soon to be unfold in further updates as the game improves and grows.

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Use different skills, arrows, modifiers from your roster, and choose different approaches to deal with your foes - the possibilities are endless - every round, every run is different! So go for the "god-run", or just play through the atmospheric, narrated story mode's first maps, introducing the saga of a heroic hunter, and their mighty quest towards the end of the world! EARLY ACCESS FEATURES - Saga mode. Prove yourself to the gods and receive their blessings and relics to help your way through the adventures, and fulfill your destiny by stopping Ragnarök! DESIGNAshen Arrows is a rouge-like wave-defense first-person VR adventure-game, where the player defends their base from continuous waves of varied enemies as an Archer. Combine your wits and skills, to counter the numerous and varied enemies attacking your home!

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In such times, in service to their people, mere hunters - just like you - must harden themselves in battle to become legendary archers.Īrchers, who are worthy of challenging not just brigands, fierce warriors or monstrous mythological creatures but even dragons!įight your way through the realms of north mythology to complete the saga, and reveal the secrets of the Ashen Arrow!ĭefend your base with the help of your bow, various arrow-types, traps, tactics and modifiers. OUR WORLDIn times of great peril, even Gods might need the help of mortals.

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